unrequited love…
April 17, 2008

he crossed my mind today… that certain someone from my past that never ceased to please me. i remember him as if it were yesterday… he tantalized my taste buds like no other. as long as the sun shined bright, he was there to satisfy my inner cravings. the way he pushed his cart through perilous territories, ringing his bell in that inexplicable candor, seemed to call out my name with each “ting-a-ling”. and without hesitation, he beckons me.

he slathers his big yellow, juicy husks w/ squeezable margarine that glistened on the water-drenched kernels. mayonnaise sitting for hours in the sweltering sun finds it’s way & it is spread just right only to be enveloped by the graceful sprinkling of parmesan cheese – made especially pungent by the warm summer’s day. and as if that weren’t enough he teases me with the fiery dash of hot sauce & red chili that causes me to lick my lips in sheer anticipation.

i bring it close to my mouth & let out a sigh of satisfaction as the flavors dance on my tongue. and once again i am fulfilled.

dear mr. elote vendor? are you held captive by my youth on Chicago’s city streets? because it’s a warm summer’s day & i no longer hear bells, but the memory of what used to be makes me long for you more & more.
i miss my elote. i’ve tried to replace you, tried to duplicate you, tried to forget you… but nothing in Vegas is quite the same. just as many of Chicago’s guilty culinary pleasures… like the hot dog & the pita inn & chinatown’s 554… you are now nothing but a fond memory. but i know, we will meet again… because we were destined to be as one.


😛 ahahahahahahahaha!! 🙂

(chicago.. May 2008 )
it was kismet!

we meet again!