who would’ve thunk it?
May 26, 2008

in the past few months or so, it seems i’ve been going thru some weird patch of self-discovery. i’ve come to certain revelations about me that were probably always there but i’ve never really noticed…hence, the revelation.

Starbucks Honey Latte
gives me gas! 😛
This revelation has long been showing it’s cruel, stinky head eversince I’ve developed my newfound passion for the oh-so yummy nutty concoction. but each time, i’ve chosen to ignore it & chalk it up to just another random day of gaseous loveliness. well on a recent flight to chicago, my stomach was just all sorts of wrong. and it didn’t help that i couldn’t let it all out in the closed up, claustrophobic flying tube of transportation with no way of blaming it on otherworldly, outside forces. as i sat in my seat, twisted in a knot i tried to backtrack every instance where i’ve developed this unwelcomed ailment. and lo & behold, the culprit in what has now become my twice a week discomfort was not an ulcer as i’ve often times feared.. but the work of that tall, iced, easy drizzle w/ whip, cup of turmoil (so deceivingly disguised in a cup of yumminess) that i guzzled down almost every other day since it came into life. but even then, i wasn’t convinced. i needed to test out my theory.
so i did without.
and well…
aside from my normal gaseous outbursts that my family has grown accustomed to, i am no longer twisted in a pretzel.
so, byebye SHL… it was great while it lasted. the world will be a better place as we part ways. but always remember that each time i walk into a Starbucks, a part of me will always long to say your name.

***UPDATE*** just noticed! they now sell my DOUBLESHOT of Espresso on ICE…(i don’t have to buy the can & have them pour it. they can actually make it now without them looking at me funny when i ask for it! sweeeeeeet!***

i digress… i will miss you SHL! 😛

There is some weird malfunction going on my brain that seems to tell my mouth that anything placed in front of it needs to be devoured. It doesn’t matter if I’m not hungry. It doesn’t matter if the plate is overflowing. As long as it’s placed in front of me… the plate will be wiped clean. well, my hips are in deep protest of my brain’s malfunction. so, i’ve been slowly teaching myself (especially, living in the buffet capital of the world) to not fill up my plate. to control my portions. to psych myself out by tasting rather than devouring. i think that’s why there are so many obese people in America because of the portions a la Hash House a-Go-Go that can be detrimental to a person suffering from this unassuming, brain malfunction. America must once & for all come to the realization that there are many American’s suffering from this ailment & should discontinue the human doggie bag mentality that they have grown accustomed to.
it is a ongoing challenge for me to not stare at my overflowing plate armed with my trusty alibi that 1/2 the world is hungry & food should not go to waste. it’s a challenge especially for a person who has a deep love affair for food & is in all ways epicuriously happy. i am determined. pray for me. 🙂

Luxuriously Frugal
i am definitely as frugal as frugal gets. i love wal-mart. i love big lots. i love shopping @ the 99 cent store. i love clearance racks. i love generic. i love craigslist.
i love the feeling that i get when i know i’ve gotten the deal of all deals. i actually get a certain high knowing that i paid less than what the retailer originally asked for…. and less than the other Joe Schmo who bought the same item for 50% more only 1 month ago. bwahahaha!! 🙂
i value my money or lack thereof & will not pay full price for anything…
**yup, yup! that’s me**

ok fine! be that as it may, i will shamelessly drop a few hundred dollars on a purse. because although i am a self-proclaimed frugal nut i also know where luxury cannot be compromised & that an authentic Louis Vuitton & a sexy pair of 3 in heels is $ well spent. LOL!! j/k. i’m not only human but…

i guess you can also conclude that i’m just a girl with those typical idiosyncrasies multiplied by her love for coffee, food, purses & shoes!

Lord help me! 😛

unrequited love…
April 17, 2008

he crossed my mind today… that certain someone from my past that never ceased to please me. i remember him as if it were yesterday… he tantalized my taste buds like no other. as long as the sun shined bright, he was there to satisfy my inner cravings. the way he pushed his cart through perilous territories, ringing his bell in that inexplicable candor, seemed to call out my name with each “ting-a-ling”. and without hesitation, he beckons me.

he slathers his big yellow, juicy husks w/ squeezable margarine that glistened on the water-drenched kernels. mayonnaise sitting for hours in the sweltering sun finds it’s way & it is spread just right only to be enveloped by the graceful sprinkling of parmesan cheese – made especially pungent by the warm summer’s day. and as if that weren’t enough he teases me with the fiery dash of hot sauce & red chili that causes me to lick my lips in sheer anticipation.

i bring it close to my mouth & let out a sigh of satisfaction as the flavors dance on my tongue. and once again i am fulfilled.

dear mr. elote vendor? are you held captive by my youth on Chicago’s city streets? because it’s a warm summer’s day & i no longer hear bells, but the memory of what used to be makes me long for you more & more.
i miss my elote. i’ve tried to replace you, tried to duplicate you, tried to forget you… but nothing in Vegas is quite the same. just as many of Chicago’s guilty culinary pleasures… like the hot dog & the pita inn & chinatown’s 554… you are now nothing but a fond memory. but i know, we will meet again… because we were destined to be as one.


😛 ahahahahahahahaha!! 🙂

(chicago.. May 2008 )
it was kismet!

we meet again!