fly on the wall.. part VI
September 28, 2008

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday!

Driving to church today, Lil’Mister & I agreed that he would go to “big” church today instead of Sunday School..just to keep mommy company since daddy was out of town.  He was such a perfect gentleman who promised his dad that he would take care of mom while he was gone.

On the way to church I asked him if he wanted to take Communion like the adults?  He thought it was the most exciting concept so we decided that he would honor God by not only sitting quietly & listening to the service but by taking Communion just like Mommy always had.

Lil’Mister: Mom? What’s Communion?
Mommy: Well remember in Sunday School & Awana you learned that Jesus died for our sins & that we are saved by His blood?
For God so loved the world that he gave His one & only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life! I know that verse Mom! 🙂
Mommy: Exactly! Well during Communion the little piece of bread symbolizes the body of Christ. By taking the bread we acknowledge that Jesus sacrificed His life so that we can be saved.
Just like John 3:16! 🙂
Mommy: Yes exactly.  The 2nd part of Communion is the cup of juice that symbolizes the blood of Jesus.  By drinking the juice we acknowledge that when Jesus died on the cross He washed away our sins.
Lil’Mister:Just like 1st Corinthians 15:3!
Mommy: Wow that’s great Rian.  So when you take the bread & the cup, you’ll remember how much Jesus loved us.  It’s a very special part of church.
Lil’Mister:Ok Mom.  I can do that.

Lil’Mister sat quietly during the service, fidgeting every so often but pretty behaved for the most part.  Then the Pastor said it was time to take Communion & he explained what it was all about.  Lil’Mister gave me a knowing look & smiled… “just like we talked about Mom”.  🙂 He takes the piece of bread & drinks the cup of juice.

**pause/brief silence**

Lil’Mister: Ummm… Mom?
Yes babe?
Can i have some more body of Christ?  It’s so good! 
Ahahahahahahahahaha!! **that it is Lord! Amen!** heehee!