frou-frou, stilettos & feathers…


so we saw S&TC on opening night. actually, we had planned on seeing it for sure on Friday then changed our mind… then at the the last minute decided to go for it. of course, there was a line a mile long even for the showtime after the one that was queued as next showing. it was the strangest thing… girls were dressed up in froufrou dresses & stiletto heels, designer bags & get this…. feathers! of course the girls dominated the lines but there were many a manly face that were mixed up in the crowd. as soon as the ticket taker yelled out our theater number, there was pushing & shoving & manager-demanding. it was quite funny. i wanted to see the movie just as bad but if it was full, my bed was a knowingly nice solace to my temporary disappointment. but nevertheless, walking at normal pace & finding amusement in our people watching, we got in without a scratch & sat in the seat of our choice. i even had a seat next to me for my purse. chill people! it’ll be ok!

Carrie & Mr. Bigthe movie played like an additional season of the show. if it were added to my DVD collection as a Finale to the finale it would’ve fit right in. I loved the premise of the movie & how it tied everything together. I loved seeing Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte & Samantha on the big screen… however, as a movie it kinda fell short.. it just didn’t feel like a movie. it just felt like i was watching an extended episode of the show only a gazillion times bigger. judging from the jam-packed theater the show really does have a kinda cult-ish following. people were dressed in their Carrie Bradshaw & Mr. Big best while we just are...Mr. Jiggles & i sat there in our **crawl-right-into-bed, yet-still-somewhat-presentable offering** finished off with our signature stinky chucks. what can i say? we’re a pretty low-key couple. there is no hype to our madness.
we just are… šŸ˜‰


4 Responses

  1. LOL.. that was kinda funny. At least when “guys” go all out w/ a movie i.e. STARWARS… all they need to do is throw on a bedsheet and call themselves JEDI… when ladies go all out.. they gotta bust out w/ Jimmy Choo’s and Manolo’s ?!?! heheheh… i had fun watching that movie w/ you. Love you

  2. haha! that woulda been cute if you and marco dressed up as a filipino version of carrie and mr. big! aww – still can’t wait to see it! going next weekend, hopefully.

  3. what…you didn’t dress up!!! hehe! my sis and i did…but no frou-frou or feathers….but came in some sexy stilettos.

  4. girl! i wear heels 5 days a week – all day long! my stinky chucks after hours are my heaven šŸ˜› hope all is well.

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